WordPress VS Wix
A topic of discussion that makes so much ink run lately, is the duel WordPress vs Wix.
Throughout this opinion article we will take a look at these two popular website building tools and conclude which one is best.
What is WordPress?
There are two types of versions to consider:
- Hosted WordPress;
- Self-Hosted WordPress.
Throughout this article we will focus on the version Self-Hosted because it is the most common version and used, not only by the web, but also in the services provided by Creathing.
Self-Hosted WordPress
This is an software Construction and Management websites, where it is carried out download and installed on your server web. It is open-source, i.e. it is freely accessible and can be easily modified. Which means that websites constructed with “self-hosted WordPress” can be deeply personalised, being a very flexible tool in the hands of the right designers and programmers. It is also adaptable to meet the requirements of almost all websites. Best of all, after initial implementation of the website, it is completely feasible to perform basic maintenance of it, through the use of WordPress without the need to know how to program.What is Wix?
It's a cloud-based service that lets you design and build your own website No need to know how to program.
Unlike WordPress, Wix soon provides the ability to build and maintain the website (e.g.: domain, server, templates, support, among others..).
How many people use WordPress and Wix?
When deciding which platform to use to build a website, it is always good to observe the history of the product and the number of users. This is because if a particular platform has a high number of customers/users, it reduces the risk of that platform crashing and dragging your website with you. O WordPress is responsible for more than 60 million websites, This ensures excellent prospects for the future of the platform. Already the Wix, presents a repertoire around the 4 million websites and although it is also a very good and commendable number, the numbers associated with WordPress, demonstrates it as the clear favorite by Internet users, thus making it a safer bet for your business.Costs
The costs associated with the development of an website may vary based on the tools integrated in the platform. To make a cost comparison between the two platforms, we will rely on our development policy of websites.One website developed by us in WordPress, in addition to the initial cost of its implementation, it will have no additional cost, other than the maintenance of your domain and server web.
The costs of Wix, They vary slightly depending on their location and are segmented into various monthly subscription plans. The main differences between these plans come down to some factors such as bandwidth, storage space receives and whether or not you get features e-commerce.
In short, with Wix, the annual cost depends on the plan you choose, and you can achieve higher costs than WordPress.
The amount of templates available for WordPress is vastly greater than the range of templates available at Wix, being able to reach the thousands of templates You have a choice for your website WordPress.
Behavior on mobile devices
At the time of writing this article, it turns out that Wix's advertising campaigns indicate that its platform is able to build websites responsive and that the website it will have an “astonishing look on any device”. However, this is not the case, due to the use of certain types of rules, in the design of their templates.
This is crucial and it should be noted that it currently runs counter to the consensus of best practice in web design.
On the other hand, with WordPress, this is no longer a problem, because finding a template Being responsive is very easy to do.
In this day and age, 50% of Internet access, is carried out from mobile devices, it is extremely important that your website is responsive in order to have a beautiful and fluid presentation.
Customization Options
By developing an website on Wix, after the choice of a template, is restricted to this choice, and can no longer exchange, unless the site again from zero.
Templates WordPress tends to have extensive customization options, allowing you to make a lot of adjustments to how your WordPress looks. website.
If you wish to apply an template different from the active one, it can do so without any restriction.
Blog Functions
If the purpose of your website is to function as blog, then the WordPress is the clear winner of this duel. This allows you to add categories and labels to your posts Sophisticated way and present your blog content in a more flexible way.Again, it is not that the service of the Wix is bad in this respect, but the restrictions present on the platform, make it not the ideal choice to fulfill this purpose.
Multimedia content management
O WordPress has a multimedia library that you can access, save and edit images and documents. A professional solution for this purpose and easy to use.Along with plugins, such as Unsplash Plugin, You will be able to decorate your website with fantastic and high quality images.
E-Commerce functionality
When using Wix, you need to subscribe to an appropriate plan that has the functionalities of e-commerce. Unfortunately, with this option, you will have an added cost over a more basic plan.
No WordPress, In spite of the functionality e-commerce not immediately available, we can use a solution “third-party” as Ecwid, WooCommerce e Easy Digital Downloads.
In Creathing We mainly focus on the tool. WooCommerce to establish e-commerce platforms. If you want to know more, check out our analysis on the platform WooCommerce and also a pros and cons of WooCommerce vs Other solutions of E-commerce.
O WordPress through these diverse solutions, it will allow you to choose the option that best suits your business model.
Integrations with third-party applications
Both a Wix as the WordPress provide solutions third-party for their problems. Essentially, these are "mini-applications" that when installing in your website This will make it easier for you to perform certain tasks.Overall, both “app stores” are user-friendly and provide a lot of solutions. However, we would say that the WordPress is again a clear winner in this regard, since it has about 56 thousand plugins available for integration with your website, About 300 people present in the Wix.
Search Engine Optimization This is an extremely important factor for any website or online store. If this term is something new, you can find here A short introduction to this term.
Despite the Wix provide, to less experienced people in this field, a good tutorial on how to optimize your website for search engines, the fact remains that it does not have optimal support for websites responsive, thus harming their SEO.
In addition to the fact that the websites be responsive, WordPress allows to install Yoast, which is one of the best tools available for the SEO. For those who are unfamiliar, this tool evaluates the quality of the SEO of your page and offers suggestions on how to improve it.
Note: A Creathing is not a professional agency in legal matters. Please note that the comments below on the GDPR should not be interpreted as legal advice.Wix GDPR
As a result of the changes to the GDPR laws in May 2018, the owners of websites They need to take several steps to ensure that they are protecting the privacy of visitors to the European Union.
In this respect, a Wix and other construction services of websites, do not provide, by default, to their users, ways to obtain consent of cookies to visitors of the website. This is frustrating because in order to comply with the GDPR standards, it is necessary to use tools third party, external to Wix.
WordPress GDPR
No WordPress it is also a challenge to make it able to follow the GDPR standards when it comes to the consent of cookies. Unlike Wix, there are several plugins Capable of capturing and managing cookies in accordance with GDPR standards, with detailed online documentation, on the steps to be taken to this end.
As the Wix is a cloud-based solution, the responsibility for the security of the website It's from the company itself. In other words, it is Wix's responsibility to ensure that its platform is not compromised.
No WordPress, the responsibility for this security lies with the user. When implementing websites WordPress a Creathing Make sure you get one. website up-to-date and secure, to protect all your content/data from malicious activity.
In conclusion...
In general, as we can see, the WordPress It's definitely the platform. more powerful, flexible and better established. With its vast number of templates for choice and customization, we can create any kind of website, either from a blog to a store online.
One factor that has enormous weight in choosing WordPress over Wix, is SEO. The SEO ability of the WordPress is much higher and in an increasingly competitive digital market, you will find that a website Well-built WordPress on a fast server will give your website advantage.
But without a doubt, that a decisive factor, at the time of writing this article, Wix does not allow you to build websites responsive to devices mobile. This delays development times, as you may need to create two versions of the same website, one for mobile and another for desktop.
On WordPress You can build one website 100% responsive that will look good on all devices.
If you have more questions about this and are still undecided about which platform to use for your project, feel free to let us know. contacting.
We are here to help you realize your ideas.